02 February 2009

Nine more days til departure...

As i'm scrambling to get the last of my "to do before i leave" list checked off, i'm finding that the upcoming journey/adventure/challenge across the world is getting me more and more anxious. I am very excited about this opportunity to travel, meet new cultures, interact with communities, and try and help in whatever way i can...BUT... still feel butterflies when i think about the time i will be spending away from family and friends in such a foreign environment.

While i've been reading up on Uganda, their community, other Peace Corps volunteer stories, etc., I know it will be an experience that i just can't imagine right now. So in the precious few days i have left in beautiful Texas, i'm just trying to take it easy and not dwell on all the unknowns of the future. "One day at a time" as my mom says.

All anxiousness and excitement aside, i have been pretty busy with compiling my things i will be taking with me. I've yet to start packing anything in bags; i'm still in the accumulating stage. It's hard to imagine what i will or won't need for two years. I'm counting on family and friends to help supplement my packing with the occasional care package of goodies/things i forgot! (Pretty please...)

I hope to be able to update this little site as often as possible, but in the event that Internet is hard to find, i will be sending as many letters as my hands can write. And please feel free to send me letters (to the mailing address on the right side of this site) as i'm sure anything from home will set my heart soaring!

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