09 March 2010


I'm gonna try uploading one at a time. This is Try #3 of "Upload Pictures to My Blog." To get a feel for the internet speed try this 10 Step Test of Patience:

1. Open the internet
2. Wait 20 minutes
3. Open your email
4. Wait 20 minutes
5. Write the email
6. Wait 20 minutes then delete the email that just took you 30 minutes to write
7. Rewrite the email
8. Wait 20 minutes
9. This time send the email
10. But first turn off your computer


I feel better.


  1. Way cool!
    Did you make a wish???
    Lots of them???
    ...maybe faster internet speed
    geez, sorry it is so slow!
    let's see, what would Pollyanna do? hmm.
    you know you love me! ;-)
    muah! y muah!
    again, thank you for taking the time,
    with lots of patience to share your 'moments' in Uganda with us.
    i am glad you feel better~
    Great Picture!
    where is little pauline?
    i thought for sure she would be
    right in front of the festivities~
    looking forward to your next 'snap',
    but no hurry,
    i will wait patiently...
    con mucho carino, be good

  2. leste, you know the reactions; interesting, cool, funny? if you ever wonder who reacts to them really weird when its an interesting one rather than a funny one. Well thats me little leste. shhhh. go to sleep. hahaha ahh slugs, I know there is so much you have to tell me. don't worry I am behaving and I love you so much. i am staying away from girls, not really helping since they don't stay away from me, but i love you.
